pp108 : Virtual Organization Units

Virtual Organization Units

This topic introduces you to the concept of virtual organization units.

Virtual organizations offer the advantages of flexibility in terms of working time and place, mobility of workforce, allowing for vertical integration without hierarchy. Virtual organization units are standalone organization units without any relationships or departments. A virtual organization unit comprises a pool of people from various departments who are committed to a common purpose, are geographically dispersed, often asynchronously, having diverse cultural backgrounds and are linked with each other by using various communication technologies. Virtual organization units are formed to help overcome temporal, spatial and organizational disablers.

Process Platform allows you to devise and create such virtual organization units to help meet your business needs.

Related tasks

Creating an Organization Unit Type
Creating an Organization Unit
Creating an Organization Model
Defining an Organization Model
Integrating an Organization Unit within a Business Process
Assigning Teams to Users
Attaching Roles and Resources to Organization Units
Packaging and Deploying An Organization Model
Publishing an Organization Model to Run Time
Using Team in a Business Process Model